Ifunbox 2

Collecting Creative Uses of USB Tunnel

Monday, March 14th, 2011
USB Tunnel enables Fast Network Connection between iOS and Windows via USB cable
USB Tunneling maps opening TCP ports on iDevices to PC, which allows windows program on PC connecting to them for communication. Both daemon on iOS and windows program on PC don’t need to aware of the existence of USB Tunneling, and connect to each other as if they are running on the same computer or WIFI hotspot.
USB Tunneling is particular useful when WIFI connection is not available or prohibited. Also USB cable is much faster and stable, especially for transferring big files and continuous communication.
Besides daemons like OpenSSH, bunch of iPhone and iPad Apps also have built-in HTTP/FTP daemons that can be temporally activated for file transferring (e.g. iFile). iFunbox’s USB Tunnel is also helpful for connecting web browser and FTP client on PC to these Apps.

The most usual use is SSH using putty to the iPhone with OpenSSH installed. For security, be sure to change the root/mobile password after installing OpenSSH.
We are gathering more creative usage of USB Tunnel, tell us your tricks.

Install .ipa to iPhone/iPad

Wednesday, November 24th, 2010
Install app from .ipa package is now just one click from the toolbar on ifunbox.

iFunbox will transfer the selected ipa packages to iDevices and involve the official app installation service on iOS to complete the installation. Unlike .deb and .pxl packages, .ipa package is installed with low privilege, which prevents the installed app from destroying core iOS components due to bugs or malicious codes.
To install .ipa purchased with your own Apple ID for that device, the installation works even without Jailbreak. To install unsigned .ipa package, you may need to install AppSync from Cydia. Otherwise, the installation will fail.
Steps to install AppSync
1) Open Cydia app, and tip [Manage] tab.
2) tip [Sources] button.
3) tip [Edit]
4) tip [add]
5) Input http://cydia.hackulo.us, and tip [Add Source]. Wait a while for the data synchronization.
6) tip [Search] tab and search for Appsync.
7) install the AppSync corresponding to your iOS version. Wait a while for the installation and reboot, then you done.

Bring back disappeared panels

Saturday, May 29th, 2010
iFunbox has a user interface with dockable panels and command bars, which allow the user to customize the layout of these UI elements easily. The customized state of all panels and bars will be saved when iFunbox exits and then loaded in next start, which makes the customization persistent.
We just released an update V0.99.353.274 to handle the case when the customization is unintentional. [ Reset UI ] entry is added to [ Help ] menu and system menu to reset the layout of all panels and command bars to its default locations and the program will be restarted.
Click [ Reset UI ] to reset all layouts.
But even if the command bar of main menu disappeared, you can click the icon in the left-top corner of the iFunbox main window and then select the [ Reset UI ] in the down list menu like below.

Finally, the worse case I can imagine, if the main window never shows up, you need to manually delete the register entry of the iFunbox by regedt.exe (regedt32.exe on 64bit windows). The related register key is located at: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\i-FunBox.com\i-FunBox

Call For UI Translation (v1.4+)

Tuesday, April 14th, 2009
Since v0.8, i-FunBox is for the user all over the world instead of just for English speakers. An UI translation plug-in (ifunbox.localstrings.utf8) is supported in i-FunBox and is ready for displaying user interface in all different languages.
We invite you to participate in translating i-FunBox to your own language and benefit all users around the world. Besides English community, we find i-FunBox is widely spreaded in communities of many place in Europe and Asia. Translations of languages in these areas are especially welcomed, such as Russian, French, Dutch and Japanese.
Translation to your native language many take about a few hours just as easy as editing a text file. We acknowledged every contributor in the About dialog like the red box in the below (a Traditional Chinese translation ).

International Versions have been Translated

Available versions (for iFunbox V1.4+) are:
Chinese (SC): by Baby Jing 2011.6.21
Chinese (TC): by Alan 2011.6.30
Japanese: by Woggieeee 2011.6.17
Russian: by Вячеслав (aValS) 2011.8.24, 2011.12.29

Spanish: by Rubén Vargas (rd_01) 2011.12.6, 2012.2.27
Korean: by Sung Mo Jun (@@jayjun911) 2011.12.29

Italian: by PippoX0 2011.7.20

French: by CrazyDoc 2011.11.7


Croatian: by Alen Bajo 2011.7.12
Hebrew: by Nir Idan 2011.6.22, 2011.7.16
2011.9.29, 2011.12.24
Greek: by Latos
by Jim Morr
2011.7.18, 2011.9.26, 2012.1.15
Vietnamese: by dangquybk 2011.7.23, 2011.9.28
Persian: by Rezafcom 2011.9.3
Up to now, available old versions (for iFunbox V0.8/V0.98) are:
Chinese (SC): by Baby Jing 2009.3.2
Chinese (TC): by Baby Jing
Revised by Jamie Hwang
Japanese: by Woggieeee 2009.4.17
Russian: by Yarkovoy 2009.4.23
Dutch: by Sabaoon Pamir 2009.4.24
Spanish: by Fernando Dichiera 2009.5.2
Korean: by Jaedong Kim 2009.5.21
Turkish: by iPhoneShake.com 2009.5.30
Italian: by Pippo X0 2009.6.16
German: by Boehst
by Sascha Feierabend
French: by bsdune 2009.8.29
Romanian: by Catallin (Pitesti) 2009.10.13
Portuguese: by ® MS ® Softwares 2009.12.2
Croatian: by Alen Bajo 2010.4.20

How to Translate

After v1.4.548.527, we developed an new UI localization scheme that makes the updating of the translated local strings much more easier to be kept update along new releases of ifunbox.exe. All localized strings (translated text) is provided in ifunbox.localstrings.utf8, which is shipped with the ifunbox download package. It is a plain text file encoded in UTF8, you can open and edit it using windows’ Notepad. Each line in it represents a text that been translated.
To translate:
1. Download the corresponding version you want to translate. To start an new language, translate this
2. Open the ifunbox and play around in it, make all non-localized text displayed once and that press [Ctrl]+T, which makes the ifunbox.localstrings.utf8 contains all English strings.
3. Use text editor (e.g. Notepad) to edit the ifunbox.localstrings.utf8, replace the English text after “[IXho... somecode ... 2jGtaA]:”. Be sure not to modify the code.
4. Translate the sentence “English Version” into something like ” xxx version by yyyy ” in native language. This entry will be displayed in About Dialog to show your credit.
5. Save the file and re-open ifunbox to see the effect of the translation for testing.
6. After you satisfied, send the modified ifunbox.localstrings.utf8 to ifunbox.dev@gmail.com with your name and the name (both in English and in the translated language) of the translated language. We will combine them in the download packages.
Things might be concerned and useful:
0. In the first line, the two charactors after “//” is important to let ifunbox know which language is loaded.
1. The leading code like “[IXholLPlkaejtcd82jGtaA]:” should not be modified. Just replace the followed English text with localized text.
2. [!] or [ some url ] may appear at the begining of some sentences. They are some scripts to display an exclamation icon or some URL can be clicked. Please keep they at the begining of the translated sentence.
3. comma is used as a seperator, so please use \’ to represent comma in sentence.
4. %s, %d, %02d,%.1f are special tokens like placeholders, which will be replace with strings or numbers determined in runtime. We can change the text between them, but should preserve their presence and order, otherwise the translated text will be ignored and original English text will be displayed.
5. \n\r is representing a line break.

rescue the iPhone if you still need iTunes

Wednesday, September 17th, 2008
We received many complains that iTunes report “Cannot read the content …” and asks for restoring after uploading video or song using iFunbox. The cause of this problem is that Apple has special hashing checking in iTunes which is not well handled by iFunbox. We apologize for that and will fix the problem in the next release.
0. For all iPhones and iPod Touch, iTunes will report “Cannot read the content …” and asks for restoring after uploading some media file using iFunbox due to the hashing checking in iTunes.
1. For iPhones and iPod Touch with FW 1.1.x, the uploaded songs/movies will be recognized by iPod on the device and can be played. In FW 1.1.x, the device doesn’t check the hashing.
2. For iPhones and iPod Touch with FW 2.x.x, the uploaded songs/movies will NOT be recognized due to the hashing checking on the device.
3. For other models of iPods (Classic, Video, Shuffle and etc), iTunes will not ask for restoring and just simply remove the media files uploaded by iFunbox. For devices produced before 2007 (not exactly), the uploaded media files will be recognized and can be played. However for newest devices, the uploaded media files can NOT be played. I guess, it is also due to hashing checking.
Do NOT follow iTunes
Though iTunes report ”Cannot read the content …” and asks for restoring, I believe no one would like to do that. iTunes force you update the firmware along with restoring and after restoring all user data will be delete including installed 3rd-party apps, data in general storage, contact list, SMS history. Also you will need to jailbreak after restoring.
Rescue the relationship with iTunes.
Here we provide steps to cheat iTunes that the device has been restored by deleting “iTunes_Control” folder. so that iTunes will initialize the media database (iTunesDB). The way we provided here keeps all user data unchanged except songs and movies. 3rd-party apps, data in general storage, contact list, SMS history will be preserved after process. Also you don’t need to jailbreak again.
We test the steps on iPhone 2G, FW1.1.4 and iTunes 8.0. Thanks Gaz, he tested the steps on iPhone 3G and iTunes 7.1.
0. Close iPod application on iPhone, stop music playing.
Close iTunes, You must close iTunes!!! Then open iFunBox.

1. Backup media files. (Optional)
if you don’t care, just skip.

2. Backup contact list and SMS. (Optional)
Though the following steps will not erase those information, I’d like to have those things backuped just in case.
Contact List: //var/mobile/Library/AddressBook
SMS: //var/mobile/Library/SMS

3. Browse the [Raw File System], Delete the folder iTunes_Control Located in “//var/mobile/Media/iTunes_Control”

4. Close iFunbox and then open iTunes for setup.
Wait seconds for iTunes searching for the connected iPhone.
Now iTunes will ask you to setup instead of restoring it, after the iTunes_Control folder was deleted.
Choose [Set up as an New Phone] and uncheck all sync options, iTunes will initialize an empty media database. Thus, the iTunes_Control folder and subfolders will be created. Other user data such as 3rd-party apps, data in general storage, contact list and SMS histroy keep unchanged.
Choose [Restore from backup of], the contact list and SMS history will be overwritten to the state as backup.
In this step, my choice is [Set up as an New Phone], then click [Continue]. Uncheck the automatically sync then click [Done].

Then iTunes takes a long time for sync and finally we have iTunes back.

iFunBox doesn’t find the connected iPod

Monday, September 15th, 2008
iPods will be connected to computer as a mass-storage disk. However the the mass-storage disk will be disable by iTunes if [Enable Disk Use] option is not checked.

Remember to check the option, so that iFunbox can find the connected iPods.
The option applies to iPod classic, iPod Video and etc. iPod Touch is indeed an iPhone w/o phone module.

Copy songs and movies to iPhone and iPod

Saturday, September 13th, 2008
The most important feature of the newly release iFunBox is uploading songs and movies to iPhone/iPod. This feature now works with iPhone or iPod Touch with FW2.x.x.
Songs and Movies can be uploaded by clicking button [Copy From PC]

Upload Songs and Movie can be uploaded by drag&drop files to [File View]

After selected media files was transmitted, uploaded songs or movies will be listed in the [File View]

Please remember to Respring the iPhone, so that iPod will refresh the media file list to include the newly uploaded songs and movies, as shown in the program tips. For the first time of transferring, reboot of iPhone is required.
 SysInfo is a nice app to Respring the iPhone or iPod Touch.
After respring, uploaded songs and movies are listed in iPod.


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