
iFunbox v1.9 is released

Tuesday, March 20th, 2012
iFunbox v1.9 is ready for download. The New iPad is now recognized and file transfer is also optimized for the new device. App inspection is a new feature introduced in this version, which allows you easily inspect the installed apps for checking their potential of leaking your private information. App file sharing support is also added. You can now easily access the document folder of Apps that supports “File Sharing”.
App Inspection will check the iOS APIs that used by particular App. We focus on APIs that might expose your private information, consume 3G data and potentially have annoying user experience. To check a list of App capabilities, right-click on one App and select the [App Inspection] as:

Then you will instantly have the App inspection report:

New Release v1.4.477.481 is available !!

Monday, April 18th, 2011
i-Funbox v1.4 is out now. In the update, we focus on one-stop App installation for .ipa package. Now you can have IPA package installed just using iFunbox without switching back to the installous app.  Also we continue to fix bugs and refine the initialization procedure. Again, Thanks for all friends sending crash dump and connection log to us.
What’s New:
1. One-stop App installation for ipa packages
2. App uninstallation for user applications
3. Report for analyzing app installation results
4. Recognize iPad2
5. Bug fixing and fine tunes:
a. Reoder shortcuts in left panel
b. Remember preview size of the main window
c. Remove libMediaInfo temporarily, which cause crash. Look for alternative in the next update
d. Recognize user application folder when iTunesArtwork is absent
Also, Tutorial for app install ( .ipa ) is updated.

To launch one-stop app install, you can click the [ Install App ] button on the toolbar, or select the menu item in the context menu of [ User Applications ]. We only supports installing .ipa package, which is safe for the your iDevice. Also in the view of [ User Applications ], you can uninstall applications by right-clicking the selected Apps to be removed and selecting the [ Uninstall ] command.


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